.. Copyright (c) 2022, Julien Seguinot (juseg.github.io) .. GNU General Public License v3.0+ (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) Getting started =============== Installing hyoga ---------------- Assuming GeoPandas_ and xarray_ are already installed, I recommend installing hyoga using pip:: pip install hyoga .. _geopandas: https://geopandas.org .. _xarray: https://xarray.pydata.org/en/stable/ A first plot ------------ Here is a minimal example that demonstrate hyoga's core plotting functionality. We open example data and plot the bedrock altitude, an ice margin contour, and hydrologic features to facilitate orientation. .. plot:: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import hyoga # plot example data with hyoga.open.example('pism.alps.out.2d.nc') as ds: ds.hyoga.plot.bedrock_altitude(center=False) ds.hyoga.plot.ice_margin(facecolor='tab:blue') ds.hyoga.plot.natural_earth() ds.hyoga.plot.scale_bar() # set title plt.title('A first plot with hyoga') .. tip:: Hyoga alters matplotlib_ defaults with its own style choices. However, these choices can always be overridden using matplotlib keyword arguments. .. _matplotlib: https://matplotlib.org Then what --------- Hyoga implements several other methods for :doc:`/datasets/plotting` from any CF_-compliant xarray_ dataset. Assuming you have own results to explore, try replacing the example line with:: import xarray as xr xr.open_dataset('yourfile.nc') .. _CF: https://cfconventions.org .. FIXME: rethink docs structure following move to geopandas? To make your maps pop, check out pages on :doc:`/datasets/shading`, :doc:`/datasets/vectors`, and :doc:`/datasets/refining`. For a visual overview of the package capabilities, head directly to the :doc:`/examples/index`.