.. Copyright (c) 2022, Julien Seguinot (juseg.github.io) .. GNU General Public License v3.0+ (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) Development roadmap =================== My long-term goal for hyoga is to develop a fully automated workflow to model paleoglaciers with PISM, and perhaps other models, anywhere on Earth. I hope that hyoga will eventually become a community package. Yet for the time being, the code base is still unstable, thus I will likely prioritise my own development roadmap over user requests. Until I come up with better contributing guidelines and co, here is an evolving document that I use to keep track of my progress and plan future releases, some kind of incremental version of the :doc:`api`, with a glimpse into the future. I hope to release ``v0.5.0`` sometime in Spring 2023. .. |x| raw:: html   .. |-| raw:: html   .. role:: depr(code) v0.5.x Jobs ----------- - |-| :class:`Job` - |-| :class:`JobChain`? - |-| :class:`JobFrame`? - |-| doc: ``workflow/preparing`` - |-| doc: ``workflow/submitting`` v0.4.x Domains -------------- - |-| :class:`.Domain` - |-| :class:`.DomainSet` - |-| doc: ``foreword/install`` - |-| doc: ``workflow/domains`` v0.3.x Inputs ------------- - |x| :func:`hyoga.open.atmosphere` - |x| :func:`hyoga.open.bootstrap` - |-| :func:`hyoga.open.timeseries` - |x| :doc:`datasets/opening` v0.2.x Cartography ------------------ Datasets ~~~~~~~~ - |x| :meth:`.Dataset.hyoga.profile` - |x| :meth:`.Dataset.hyoga.plot.bedrock_hillshade` - |x| :meth:`.Dataset.hyoga.plot.surface_hillshade` - |x| :meth:`.Dataset.hyoga.plot.natural_earth` - |x| :meth:`.Dataset.hyoga.plot.paleoglaciers` - |x| :meth:`.Dataset.hyoga.plot.scale_bar` Input ~~~~~ - |x| :func:`hyoga.open.natural_earth` - |x| :func:`hyoga.open.paleoglaciers` Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - |x| :doc:`foreword/startup` - |-| doc: ``foreword/history`` - |x| :doc:`datasets/shading` - |x| :doc:`datasets/vectors` v0.1.x Plotting --------------- Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - |x| :obj:`hyoga.config` Datasets ~~~~~~~~ - |x| :meth:`.Dataset.hyoga.assign_icemask` - |x| :meth:`.Dataset.hyoga.assign_isostasy` - |x| :meth:`.Dataset.hyoga.assign` - |x| :meth:`.Dataset.hyoga.getvar` - |x| :meth:`.Dataset.hyoga.interp` - |x| :meth:`.Dataset.hyoga.where_icemask` - |x| :meth:`.Dataset.hyoga.where_thicker` - |x| :meth:`.Dataset.hyoga.where` - |x| :meth:`.Dataset.hyoga.plot.bedrock_altitude_contours` - |x| :meth:`.Dataset.hyoga.plot.bedrock_altitude` - |x| :meth:`.Dataset.hyoga.plot.bedrock_erosion` - |x| :meth:`.Dataset.hyoga.plot.bedrock_isostasy` - |x| :meth:`.Dataset.hyoga.plot.bedrock_shoreline` - |x| :meth:`.Dataset.hyoga.plot.ice_margin` - |x| :meth:`.Dataset.hyoga.plot.surface_altitude_contours` - |x| :meth:`.Dataset.hyoga.plot.surface_velocity_streamplot` - |x| :meth:`.Dataset.hyoga.plot.surface_velocity` Input ~~~~~ - |x| :func:`hyoga.open.example`, renamed in :ref:`v0.2.0` - |x| :func:`hyoga.open.dataset` - |x| :func:`hyoga.open.mfdataset` - |x| :func:`hyoga.open.subdataset` - |x| :depr:`hyoga.open.visual`, deprecated in :ref:`v0.1.0` Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - |x| :doc:`datasets/plotting` - |x| :doc:`datasets/masking`, renamed in :ref:`v0.3.0` - |x| :doc:`datasets/refining`, renamed in :ref:`v0.3.0` - |x| :doc:`examples/index` - |x| :doc:`api/index` - |x| :doc:`whatsnew`